Probabil ca iti pasa de sentimentele mele. Dar mie de ale tale in nici`un caz. Mi`au frant inima prima oara. Nu te las sa mai faci asta inca o data. Pe scurt : Te urasc
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
nup... nu sunt foarte cunoscuti e adevarat....dar nu canta j-rock... nush exact care e stilul lor...ceva de genul R&B and pop-rock In romania nu sunt cunoscuti delok...dar in Japonia sunt vedete adevarate... omg!arata asa de bine
care credeti ca e mai dragutz?
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 191
Cred ca ala par`u neegru ii sweet
Probabil ca iti pasa de sentimentele mele. Dar mie de ale tale in nici`un caz. Mi`au frant inima prima oara. Nu te las sa mai faci asta inca o data. Pe scurt : Te urasc
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
care cu parul negru ca toti au parul negru stati sa va pun poze cu ei
Tae Yang
Seung ri
Dae Sung
vreau mai multe pareri
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 191
G-Dragon ala
Probabil ca iti pasa de sentimentele mele. Dar mie de ale tale in nici`un caz. Mi`au frant inima prima oara. Nu te las sa mai faci asta inca o data. Pe scurt : Te urasc
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
si mieee:X:X: ttot de el imi place...oh... so swweet
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
~Kinda Superstar~
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 620
GD rullzzzzzzzzzz
your my heartbreaker <3
''Often there are times when I wish that the imaginary marriage won’t come to an end. ''
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
oo yeah!!! MY heartbreaker:X ahh...i can't breathe ...:X:X:X
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 261
TOP :-w :X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X mie de Top imi place :]] Annky jtie foarte bine cat o seccc cu TOP :]] :X Mda..:-j Normal ca nu`s cunoscuti in Romania ;]] Cand a fost vreo data o vedeta sau o trupa populara in Romania!:-j Da lasa ca noi schimbam viitoruu romaniei! :> Suntem alta generatie :> Nu de populara..sau in cel mai rau caz manele :]] :X BIG BANG 4everrr :X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
4ever girl:X am observat ca cei din asia au din ce in ce mai mult succes
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 261
;;] melodie kre mi-a arat`o Anka :X
pus acum 14 ani
~Kinda Superstar~
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 620
feteleeee stiu ca nu e topicul potrivit...dar ce alte trupe din asia va plac ? <3
''Often there are times when I wish that the imaginary marriage won’t come to an end. ''
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Galatzi
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 1680
Mmm...the gazettE. Canta destul de bine. Despre meloie: O <3! Melodie noua pentru partyyyy! [Vreau party]. Danke,Anka :*
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 261
the gazette si an cafe :]]
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 191
Si screw
Probabil ca iti pasa de sentimentele mele. Dar mie de ale tale in nici`un caz. Mi`au frant inima prima oara. Nu te las sa mai faci asta inca o data. Pe scurt : Te urasc
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 221
imi plac cum canta ( bine ca acum iam ask pt prima data ) ) cel mai mult imi place G-Dragon
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
da mare coincidenta) pff...oricum el e cel mai dragutz.. dar si ceilalti sunt buniii!!!!
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
~Kinda Superstar~
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 620
il vreau blond : (( : (( : (( mamaaaa : ((
''Often there are times when I wish that the imaginary marriage won’t come to an end. ''
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
si euu.. ii statea super bine..: ((
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
† [:x]£øωε i$ Ѐad[:x]Th†
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 209
Ooo daa melodia preferata:Lollipop :X
pus acum 14 ani
*Little star*
Din: Just Dremers' City
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 54
ador melodia ALways
_______________________________________ I'm just a dreamer!
Sunt inofensiva, dar gandul meu e criminal!
Fan BreakDance
pus acum 14 ani
#I'm cool#
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 261
da mai mijto ii sta blond :X defapt...el e frumos oricum :X
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Tokyo.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4973
Toti sunt ma frumoasi` uite ma `
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Galatzi
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 1680
Asta vroiam sa postez si eu =]] Am rad pana am ramas fara aer =]] =]] =]]
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Tokyo.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4973
Primul il stiu` : )) nu credeam ca Top poate aveao voce asa subtire` :| al doilea cy Ji Yong e prea ;x;x;x
pus acum 14 ani
*Little star*
Din: Total paralelă cu Terra.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 134
Ati vazut noul videoclip?<33333333333
_embedded Este prea si melodia =P~
_______________________________________ Instead of those generic things It’s my own slogan Instead of those similar ideas It’s my own logo What you want? (What you do) Tell me baby what you do Don’t mind the others and step, step, swagger
JunHyung-oppa is only mine. Don't touch him or I'll get mad!
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
Gd arata prea bestial moamaaa ce buni sunt maa..) si melodia e tareeE)
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
*Little star*
Din: Total paralelă cu Terra.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 134
D-Lite [DaeSung] s-a schimbat asa de mult. Arata HOT =P~ Si T.O.P Topness ce sa mai Si GD, V.I, YB sunt super =P~
_______________________________________ Instead of those generic things It’s my own slogan Instead of those similar ideas It’s my own logo What you want? (What you do) Tell me baby what you do Don’t mind the others and step, step, swagger
JunHyung-oppa is only mine. Don't touch him or I'll get mad!
pus acum 14 ani
StRaNgE <> Tourniquet
I rock!**
Din: >Gothic Town<
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2591
da asa e DaeSung s-a schimbat ff mult ... toti arata asa de bineeee ce imi place aia cand il trezesc p Top frate au adus si aspiratoru)prea nebuni
_______________________________________ "I know I can do it," Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. "I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone and her death will be a mystery... even to me."
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Tokyo.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4973
Damn ce buni sunt` =P~ si melodia e de nota 10` ;x dar nu-mi place freza lui DaeSung :| TaeYang e cel mai cel cu dansul lui =P~ ;x bai dar Top are vocea ceva mai groasa :| despre Seung =P~ aii intotdeauna la prins albul`
dar nu inteleg ce vrea sa spuna melodia :-? TaeYang era indragostit si l-au drogat si Ji Young ia luat prietena? :-?
in fine` again e prea belea` ;x;x
pus acum 14 ani
~Kinda Superstar~
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 620
e un Love Triangle: GD-TY-si urata aia
mie mi se pare urata rau tipa
''Often there are times when I wish that the imaginary marriage won’t come to an end. ''
pus acum 14 ani
*Little star*
Din: Total paralelă cu Terra.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 134
Si mie Ba, luati romance! Sunt frumoase
_______________________________________ Instead of those generic things It’s my own slogan Instead of those similar ideas It’s my own logo What you want? (What you do) Tell me baby what you do Don’t mind the others and step, step, swagger
JunHyung-oppa is only mine. Don't touch him or I'll get mad!
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Tokyo.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4973
Mie imi place tipa aia` : )) e dragutica` xD
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Tokyo.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4973
Aici nu se mai posteaza deloc?` Ma scuzati dar deh` :]] Pozele astea cik sunt din 2010 <3
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Tokyo.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4973
pus acum 14 ani
I rock!**
Din: Tokyo.
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4973